maandag 6 juli 2009

Philip de Wit van de NRC

De berichtgeving van de NRC vanuit Honduras is een aanfluiting, propaganda van een soort die stamt uit de Koude Oorlog. Godzijdank houdt Sonja deze berichtgeving in de gaten. Een greep eruit na eerst wat gewone informatie:

Sonja heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "The Empire 439" achtergelaten:

The Independent

Johann Hari: The other 9/11 returns to haunt Latin America

It was inevitable that the people at the top would fight to preserve their privileges

The ghost of the other, deadlier 9/11 has returned to stalk Latin America. On Sunday morning, a battalion of soldiers rammed their way into the Presidential Palace in Honduras. They surrounded the bed where the democratically elected President, Manuel Zelaya, was sleeping, and jabbed their machine guns to his chest. They ordered him to get up and marched him on to a military plane. They dumped him in his pyjamas on a landing strip in Costa Rica and told him never to return to the country that freely chose him as their head of state.

Back home, the generals locked down the phone networks, the internet and international TV channels, and announced their people were in charge now. Only sweet, empty music plays on the radio. Government ministers have been arrested and beaten. If you leave your home after 9pm, the population have been told, you risk being shot. Tanks and tear gas are ranged against the protesters who have thronged on to the streets.

For the people of Latin America, this is a replay of their September 11. On that day in Chile in 1973, Salvador Allende – a peaceful democratic socialist who was steadily redistributing wealth to the poor majority – was bombed from office and forced to commit suicide. He was replaced by a self-described "fascist", General Augusto Pinochet, who went on to "disappear" tens of thousands of innocent people. The coup was plotted in Washington DC, by Henry Kissinger.

The official excuse for killing Chilean democracy was that Allende was a "communist". He was not. In fact, he was killed because he was threatening the interests of US and Chilean mega-corporations by shifting the country's wealth and land from them to its own people. When Salvador Allende's widow died last week, she seemed like a symbol from another age – and then, a few days later, the coup came back.

Terzijde: ik denk dat dit de juiste 'taal' is voor een opinie artikel in een nieuwsmedium: je informeert mét context, je blijft zodoende geloofwaardig én je maakt het voor iedereen toegankelijk, zonder de lezer te debiliseren met Jip- en Janneketaal.


aan mij

details weergeven 16:37 (2 uren geleden)



Sonja heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "The Empire 439" achtergelaten:

NRC, correspondent Philip de Wit vanuit Tegucigalpa (mogen we hopen): "Bij onlusten rond het vliegveld, waarbij militairen traangas gebruikten, zou mogelijk een dode zijn gevallen."

BBC: zie video 'Deadly clash at Honduran airport'. Daarop kun je zien dat er meer wordt geschoten dan dat er traangas wordt gebruikt. En: "At least two people have been killed".

Sonja heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "The Empire 439" achtergelaten:

The usual propaganda:

NRC: 'Terugkeer Zelaya naar Honduras mislukt'

Niet mislukt maar verhinderd.

Volkskrant: 'Zelaya staakt terugkeer naar Honduras'

Niet gestaakt maar onmogelijk gemaakt.

Sonja heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "The Empire 439" achtergelaten:

NRC, correspondent Philip de Wit vanuit Tegucigalpa (mogen we hopen): "Bij onlusten rond het vliegveld, waarbij militairen traangas gebruikten, zou mogelijk een dode zijn gevallen."

BBC: zie video 'Deadly clash at Honduran airport'. Daarop kun je zien dat er meer wordt geschoten dan dat er traangas wordt gebruikt. En: "At least two people have been killed".

Weer een vreselijk artikel in de NRC, dat een podium biedt aan "de nieuwe viceminister van Buitenlandse Zaken" van Honduras. Die legt het de lezer allemal even uit.

De woorden van de correspondent zelf:


Want zoveel is duidelijk: de hand van president Chávez van Venezuela is volgens de Hondurese politiek – slechts 5 van 128 leden tellende parlement waren tegen de coup – onmiskenbaar zichtbaar achter het referendumplan van Zelaya. Daags voor het plebisciet had bijvoorbeeld het Openbaar Ministerie nog beslag laten leggen op een Venezolaans vliegtuig, waarmee al het benodigde materiaal voor de volksraadpleging was gebracht.


"slechts 5 van 128 leden tellende parlement waren tegen de coup"

De lezer moet hieruit begrijpen dat er ná de staatsgreep een zogenaamd democratische stemming in het parlement is geweest over voor of tegen een militaire staatsgreep zijn!

Johann Hari schrijft in The Independent:

"On Sunday morning, a battalion of soldiers rammed their way into the Presidential Palace in Honduras. They surrounded the bed where the democratically elected President, Manuel Zelaya, was sleeping, and jabbed their machine guns to his chest. They ordered him to get up and marched him on to a military plane. They dumped him in his pyjamas on a landing strip in Costa Rica and told him never to return to the country that freely chose him as their head of state.

Back home, the generals locked down the phone networks, the internet and international TV channels, and announced their people were in charge now. Only sweet, empty music plays on the radio. Government ministers have been arrested and beaten. If you leave your home after 9pm, the population have been told, you risk being shot. Tanks and tear gas are ranged against the protesters who have thronged on to the streets."

"slechts 5 van 128 leden tellende parlement waren tegen de coup"

Al Jazeera bericht:

Interviews met twee ondergedoken ministers - 4 ministers zijn ondergedoken in El Salvador. Correspondent Philip de Wit meldt niet dat er 17 !!! ministers zijn vervangen. Hij meldt niet dat de huidige junta arrestatiebevelen heeft uitstaan voor iedereen die het referendum van Zelaya steunde. Philip de Wit wil dat de lezers geloven dat het huidige 'parlement' iets met democratie en eerlijk stemmen te maken heeft.

Stel je voor dat Geert Wilders en de PVV morgen samen met het leger premier Balkenende onder schot in zijn pyama in België dumpt, het parlement vervangt met eigen mensen, de media censureert, en vervolgens een stemming laat houden in het parlement of hij al dan niet correct heeft gehandeld. En dan gaat Philip de Wit (niet verwonderlijk NRC's Chavez basher) dat als een bewijs van legitimiteit opvoeren in de krant?

Zmag 29 juni:

"In fact, several days before the poll [referendum] was to occur, Honduras' Supreme Court ruled it illegal, upon request by the Congress, both of which are led by anti-Zelaya majorities and members of the ultra-conservative party, National Party of Honduras (PNH). This move led to massive protests in the streets in favor of President Zelaya. On June 24, the president fired the head of the high military command, General Romeo Vásquez, after he refused to allow the military to distribute the electoral material for Sunday's elections. General Romeo Vásquez held the material under tight military control, refusing to release it even to the president's followers, stating that the scheduled referendum had been determined illegal by the Supreme Court and therefore he could not comply with the president's order. As in the United States, the president of Honduras is Commander in Chief and has the final say on the military's actions, and so he ordered the General's removal. The Minister of Defense, Angel Edmundo Orellana, also resigned in response to this increasingly tense situation.

But the following day, Honduras' Supreme Court reinstated General Romeo Vásquez to the high military command, ruling his firing as "unconstitutional'. Thousands poured into the streets of Honduras' capital, Tegucigalpa, showing support for President Zelaya and evidencing their determination to ensure Sunday's non-binding referendum would take place. On Friday, the president and a group of hundreds of supporters, marched to the nearby air base to collect the electoral material that had been previously held by the military. That evening, Zelaya gave a national press conference along with a group of politicians from different political parties and social movements, calling for unity and peace in the country.

As of Saturday, the situation in Honduras was reported as calm. But early Sunday morning, a group of approximately 60 armed soldiers entered the presidential residence and took Zelaya hostage. After several hours of confusion, reports surfaced claiming the president had been taken to a nearby air force base and flown to neighboring Costa Rica.

Reports coming out of Honduras have informed that the public television channel, Canal 8, has been shut down by the coup forces. Just minutes ago, Telesur announced that the military in Honduras is shutting down all electricity throughout the country. Those television and radio stations still transmitting are not reporting the coup d'etat or the kidnapping of President Zelaya, according to Foreign Minister Patricia Rodas. "Telephones and electricity are being cut off", confirmed Rodas just minutes ago via Telesur. "The media are showing cartoons and soap operas and are not informing the people of Honduras about what is happening". The situation is eerily reminiscent of the April 2002 coup d'etat against President Chávez in Venezuela, when the media played a key role by first manipulating information to support the coup and then later blacking out all information when the people began protesting and eventually overcame and defeated the coup forces, rescuing Chávez (who had also been kidnapped by the military) and restoring constitutional order."

En nog steeds lees ik in sommige kranten dat er 'naar zeggen' een militaire staatsgreep is gepleegd: "De OAS beschouwt de afzetting als een militaire coup." Of "EU veroordeelt 'militaire coup' Honduras", en "De secretaris-generaal van de OAS Jose Miguel Insulza verklaarde dat de afzetting van Zelaya 'een militaire staatsgreep' was." "Afzetting Hondurese president is 'militaire staatsgreep'", tussen aanhalingstekens, alsof het een mening betreft en niet een feit.

3 opmerkingen:

Opiniecommentaar zei

Bedankt voor de opsomming van feiten. Ik heb zelf ook al het nodige onderzoek naar de achtergronden gedaan. Paul Brill van de Volkskrant maakt het, qua misleidende commentaren verpakt als opinie, in deze ook weer erg bont. Zo beweerde hij o.a. dat president Luiz Lula van Brazilië een partner is van Amerika, in de strijd van Amerika vs. Hugo Chávez. Pure quatsch en het tegenovergestelde is waar.

Paul2 zei

Hele zaakje stinkt,Stan

“On Thursday morning, Mr. Micheletti showed up with six, adding an American public relations specialist who has done work for former President Bill Clinton and the American’s interpreter, and an official close to the talks said the team rarely made a move without consulting him,” Thompson reported.

The PR man was identified as Bennett Ratcliff of San Diego. Thompson quoted an official close to the talks as saying that “Every proposal that Micheletti’s group presented was written or approved by the American [Ratcliff].”

Perhaps even more significantly, Lanny Davis has emerged as among Washington’s most prominent defenders and spokesmen for the Honduran coup regime, acting as a lobbyist for the Honduran branch of the extreme right-wing Latin American Business Council.

Davis has been closely tied to the Clintons since he attended Yale Law School together with them in 1970. Between 1996 and 1998, he served as President Clinton’s special counsel. And in the 2008 presidential campaign, he served as one of Hillary Clinton’s most prominent fundraisers and surrogates in attacking her principal rival, Barack Obama.

It is inconceivable that such figures would be playing such a prominent role in advising and defending the coup regime in Honduras without receiving a green light from both Secretary of State Clinton and the Obama White House.

That one of the most prominent associates of Hillary Clinton finds himself in the same camp with such a figure is a far more accurate measure of the Obama administration’s real attitude to the Honduran coup than all of the platitudes about restoring democracy.

Paul2 zei

Chiquita/United Fruit ,nog steeds alive and kicking

Een goede bondige analyse van het verleden van deze multinational,die in veel Zuid-Amerikaanse landen rampspoed bracht

En zie, daar is Obama's man op justitie ook.Steunde schurken ,maar zou nu Cheney moeten vervolgen ?No change to be expected.

Given Chiquita’s underhanded record in Central America and Colombia it’s not a surprise that the company later sought to ally itself with COHEP in Honduras. In addition to lobbying business associations in Honduras however Chiquita also cultivated relationships with high powered law firms in Washington. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Chiquita has paid out $70,000 in lobbying fees to Covington and Burling over the past three years.

Covington is a powerful law firm which advises multinational corporations. Eric Holder, the current Attorney General, a co-chair of the Obama campaign and former Deputy Attorney General under Bill Clinton was up until recently a partner at the firm. At Covington, Holder defended Chiquita as lead counsel in its case with the Justice Department. From his perch at the elegant new Covington headquarters located near the New York Times building in Manhattan, Holder prepped Fernando Aguirre, Chiquita’s CEO, for an interview with 60 Minutes dealing with Colombian death squads.

Holder had the fruit company plead guilty to one count of “engaging in transactions with a specially designated global terrorist organization.” But the lawyer, who was taking in a hefty salary at Covington to the tune of more than $2 million, brokered a sweetheart deal in which Chiquita only paid a $25 million fine over five years. Outrageously however, not one of the six company officials who approved the payments received any jail time.

Even om uit te lichten:
''From his perch at the elegant new Covington headquarters located near the New York Times building in Manhattan, Holder prepped Fernando Aguirre, Chiquita’s CEO, for an interview with 60 Minutes dealing with Colombian death squads.''

En dat runt nu Justitie in de VS.